19 February 2023
It's been the norm for decades to choose the easy option when it comes to the business of cafes and restaurants. Sending food and packaging waste to landfills is cheap, convenient and doesn't ask anything extra of staff or customers. But as people are shifting their priorities towards sustainability, cafes and organisations across Australia are taking the opportunity to implement a range of waste reducing ideas into their businesses. Here are a few that have caught our attention in recent years.
24 January 2023
There's a lot of misinformation out there regarding biodegradable packaging. Are some bioplastics really compostable? Do they just break down into smaller particles? Is it all just greenwashing? Here we'll investigate the different labels so you can be sure you're making choices that are good for the planet.
22 November 2022
Coffee grounds are packed full of nitrogen, potassium, manganese and magnesium. Yet every year in Australia we send most of an estimated 75,000 tonnes of used coffee grounds to landfill. Luckily, coffee grounds have a myriad of other uses even after they’ve fulfilled their primary purpose of brewing delicious coffee. This useful ingredient can help in our gardens, kitchen and throughout the home. Here are 8 different ways you can use them.
28 August 2022
What exactly can be recycled in the ACT yellow bins? How should you dispose of used batteries safely? And is there a way to give old fabrics a second life? Recycling programs differ between states in Australia and it can be confusing sorting out waste correctly. So to simplify things, here's a comprehensive guide to recycling in Canberra.
12 March 2022
It's an image synonymous with coffee roasting. Big hessian bags filled with coffee beans, the printed words and pictures representing coffee farms from across Africa, Asia and the Americas. Hessian or burlap bags are still the default choice for shipping coffee around the world, but once the sacks have been opened and coffee beans roasted, the hessian bags are no longer needed.